Friday, July 19, 2019

1950s Drama Club materials

Someone asking if I'd like some programs and flyers from the drama club of the old Teachers College. I said I would, waiting to hear back.

Fannie Barrier Williams

Was asked to review a bio description of her that will be used in the scholarship pages and the copy looked great to me, captured her history and connection to the school, our first African American grad (1870) etc.

Sachio Ashida

He was a long time psychology prof here, and also coached the judo club for many years. He died in 2009 and we recently had a query about him. Someone had a scan of a page of some article about him, but there was no attribution, the only citation information didn't really work, so I scanned a couple articles about him I did have in his RG 26 file and sent those to them.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Course Descriptions & Course Syllabi

Had a request for course descriptions recently, and now another one today, and both ask about course syllabi, as well as the catalog description. The archives has a pretty complete run of catalogs, from the 1840s up to about 2011, but, there is no collection of syllabi. Those are the material of whoever is teaching the class, and they keep or discard as seems best to them. Those do not come to the archives, and generally I have no idea who taught a course anyway, the catalog description does not give it, and I have only a scattered run of class schedules. Even if I found the course in the class schedule for the given year, it might have taught by multiple people, they may no longer work here etc. I also don't know that I would feel comfortable asking a faculty member if they had their syllabi from some class...

Interns for Fall 2019

One contacted me already, now a faculty member is inquiring for a second student, to work on a history of the history department. Asked if there would be enough to work with etc., have answered that I think there would be, Dedman's materials etc., plus could set up a DC page like the one for Dance archives, maybe look into some video, conversation between old timers like they did recently for Dance's 50th...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Special Olympics interpretive panel

Working busily on finding photos etc. for the folks working on the interpretive panel that will go out by the "Happiness to the World" fountain statue area this year. It is a project of the Brockport Community Museum, a local virtual museum group, which I am on. The people doing the panel are Richard Black and Norm Frisch, both retired from the college as graphic design and production staff.

Wrestling 50th

Erick Hart from Athletics asked me about the upcoming 50th for wrestling, they are having a celebration this fall. I need to look into this, one question I have isn't it a little older than 50 years? I thought Lefty McIntyre started wrestling before '69. But maybe that was more a club, not an actual team...? There is lots in the archives for sure, including scrapbooks Don Murray gave us etc.

Update: Don was over once, is coming again this afternoon with a grad student he wants to work with me, was very happy the scrapbooks are here, he had been afraid that they had been lost! This event will be a lot of work for me, but a great opportunity for the archives to help recognize Don who is a coaching legend here.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

More course descriptions

Don't get so many of these anymore, but got one today, course descriptions for four courses from the early '80s. Found, scanned and emailed back.

Digital Commons - Environmental Science Dept

New chair of the department contacted me, the big thing was getting more of his papers into their DC faculty publications section, what was the procedure for that etc. I am working with him on that, and he is going to encourage other faculty in his department to post as well.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Photos for college web pages

Searched out and supplied a number of random images to be used on the college web pages, images reflecting history of the school etc.

Scholarship scans

More scanning of images for folks scholarships are named after, e.g. George Cornell... Also searching for and supplying some bio materials too.