Thursday, November 17, 2016

John Perry with globe

Request from Matt Yeoman for a specific photo of John Perry who used to run International Education. It showed him with a globe, in his office. Matt had an image, but a small one, he needed a better scan to make into an 8x10. I was able to find the original 1996 negative, scanned it at 1200dpi, sent via dropbox.

Drop in - oldest building history

Student just dropped in from a class and wanted to work on a paper about the oldest building on campus. Not even sure what class it was, I was in the middle of things and never got around to asking! Anyway, shared some history of Hartwell Hall, emailed her the pdf of the 1940 Saga spread on the then new building etc.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Jeanette Banker

Had lunch with Jeanette yesterday, talked a couple hours. Folks like her, Fran, Mary Luskey and Peg Browne fought so long and steadfastly to get recognition for the college history and traditions, a lot of what we have now is due to people like them.

Old commencement programs

Query via web page from Hilton school secretary, have replied back, asking what she needs.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

FODL & Union

The library Friends group is supporting the reproduction of historic images that will be placed in the Union. Ginny Campbell and I met with Kim Haines, the Union director recently and she was very keen on the idea. So for example reproduce photos of the old Normal school Greek groups and place in the room the current groups meet in etc. Am looking now into photo reproduction costs and options.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Brockport History Forum

Connected with the student group the Brockport History Forum. They usually meet upstairs in the library on Wednesday evenings, but 11/16 they will have their meeting in the archives with me. Should be fun!

Update: they were a great group, 14 or 15 were here, from 8:30pm till almost 10:30. I took a different tack, had items out on chairs where they were sitting, prints of old records, photos, a beanie etc., and would say, "One of you has a funny little hat, could you hold it up?" Then we'd talk about what the hat was etc. Lots of back and forth, very enjoyable.

History racism at Brockport

Student query, referred to Stylus, C. Bruce Lee interview etc. via email. Am meeting her this evening in person to answer some questions she has.