Monday, October 29, 2018

Unabomber coverage in Stylus?

Student asking if the Stylus covered the Unabomber story in the '90s. I said they had, she could search it in NYS Historic Newspapers, explained how to use...

(Note, this and previous post had accidently been placed in FODL blog, the requests were from last week...)

ee cummings paintings

Someone from Advancement wanted a photo of a particular Cummings painting we have. They had been told by the retired campus photographer he'd shot some digital of those paintings. After hours of looking through photo CDs was able to find some Cummings ones, including the image sought after. My student assistant's new project is to work on sorting out that photo CD collection!

Alum drop-ins

Once in awhile alumni just drop in, and a couple came by today, Class of '74 & '75 respectively. They were up from Long Island, wanted to see old yearbooks, and they had a nice visit, the wife wanted to see field hockey and gymnastics photos too. Turned out the husband had been as assistant manager in the old Rathskeller!

Rochester Birding Association

The lantern slides event I did for the Friends group this month prompted an attendee to suggest to folks at the RBA that they invite me to do a presentation for them. They did contact me, and I am scheduled to do it this coming February.

Harrison Hall

Two students needed history of Harrison Hall, and who it is named for. I shared some links and information with them.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Hot Tuna

Got a question about when they played here in the '70s. Used Stylus in NYS Newspapers. They played in '73, some other articles, sent link to the one, explaining how to use etc.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Mary Jane Holmes

Two students researching Mary Jane Holmes for an ENG485 contacted me. I emailed back with links to the Mary Jane Holmes material online in Digital Commons, mentioned the Knapp Museum where they have a room on her, and offered further help as needed.

History of Alpha Phi Alpha

Student research request, isn't anything here, but Stylus online has some info, am sending link to NYS Historic Newspapers, how to search etc. The archives has very little on the modern day Greek societies unfortunately...

Monday, October 8, 2018

Alternate College

Interesting, an alum, who is in that Brockport History Club, and was a student here in Alternate (now Delta) graduating in '78. She is writing a paper on it for the club. I sent her some info and links, and she is coming to visit next week, it will be informative to speak with her.

Update: she did come in, spending the afternoon today in the archives, going over some of the records of the Alternate college, especially the 1971 proposal and so on. Am going to scan and email me her a couple documents tomorrow.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Women's Rugby

The current president of the Women's Rugby team contacted me, wanting to research their history. Like the men's club, I have very little, since they are clubs, not "regular" teams like gymnastics or basketball. Told her about the Stylus online, where I see the women's club as starting in '79, not '89 like she thought. Perhaps the earlier start didn't last and was revived later...? Will meet with her soon and am looking forward to building up the record on this and men's rugby.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Lauren Gildemeyer 2010

Star on gymnastics team, I was asked for photos. Hadn't had to look for a gymnastics person before, sure wish they had numbers on their leotards, lol. I found a portrait shot of her, but it's very hard to tell if one of the various event shots is her or not, they all have their hair tied back, are photographed at different angles etc. Sent the portrait shot, said if they wanted were welcome to come over and try their luck with the game photos, someone from athletics might recognize her better than me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Fannie Barrier Williams

Advancement staff looking for basic bio info on her, and a photo, to use in Alumni House. Supplied same.