Monday, February 11, 2019

Saga Yearbooks - how many, where...

A staffer from Advancement contacted me, they had an alum looking for the '84 yearbook. The primary collection of Saga yearbooks on campus is here in the archives (other than the digitized versions online.) There used to be a lot of them in the attic of Alumni House, but those were brought here.

It is hit and miss, for some years there is a shelf full of copies, for others there are only a few. I decided to keep at least 3 copies for the archives. If there are more then those can be given out. I did have many copies of some earlier years, but decided that for classes 50 years and older there really isn't a need to keep 20 or 30 of that year, it's been 50+ years and it's unlikely that there will be a flood of people looking for a yearbook to replace one that was lost. I do keep 10 or so of older years, no more. There were some years as well in the '70s where a yearbook was not produced.

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