Advancement staffer looking for bio info on these two leading Brockport faculty members. Off to RG26, Stylus online etc to double check on what I have, and then will need to find out more about what they need. A lot of these queries do involve those reference interview skills built up over the years at the reference desk! Below is what I found to send at first look:
Ira Geer was a 1957 grad, yes. He got his masters from Univ. of North Carolina, and PhD from University of PA. Before coming Brockport as a prof he had worked as a teacher at Byron-Bergen and Greece Schools.
I believe his research interests were in climate science and meteorology. He was at one time the director of the National School Weather Project, an NSF funded outreach to school teachers. Interestingly enough I found a photo in his file of him on the roof of Lennon Hall in 1974 working on a solar energy panel! I'll have to do a Daily Eagle post on that...
Joe Winnick has his PhD from Temple University. He established the first master's degree concentration in adapted physical education in the country here at Brockport in 1968. Coming here as he did in 1965 I have to wonder if he is not now the longest serving faculty member on staff...?
His textbook, "Adapted Physical Education and Sport," is truly a classic. It is a standard in the field, and has been translated into many languages.