Tuesday, August 30, 2016

REOC history

Kim Hayward, Rochester EOC, inquiring about their early history. Some good questions, need to do some digging!

Women bicyclists

Margay Blackman, working with Stacey Kirby re new mural/signs for RR overpass, wanting vintage images of women bicyclists. All I could find off hand were the images from the c1948 recruitment brochure, scanned and sent those. Also offered alternate images etc.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Marcus Slade - football

Played football here in 1986-87, #46. Wanted info on games etc. Shared the Stylus online with him, will look for some photos.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

1995 Saga

A member of the class of '95 emailed today, asking why there wasn't one on the Digital Commons site. I explained that while yes there had been one done that year, somehow we never got any here in the library, and it must have been a limited run, since none turned up for many years. Just this year one did though, and this fall I plan to scan and add it.

Alvin Landy

Bud Meade, looking for photo of him. He was Social Work, chair at one point, 1974-85. Will search Jim D. photos etc.

Camp Totem

Very interesting, heard from a Sharon Warner Rossi, who said she had seen my Daily Eagle post from earlier this year about Camp Totem being for sale and inquiring about it. She had been a camper there (local children went there as campers, somewhat like they attended the campus school...) and then her parents apparently purchased the camp after the college sold it in the early 1960s.

I sent her the Nash history of the camp and a few photos, and asked about her family connection, if her parents had run it as a camp or...? I told her the only thing I'd ever heard about the camp after the college let go of it was that c2010 an alum who had been a student counselor there in the old days went up to have a look at it, and found a reclusive fellow living there and the camp in poor condition. It came up for sale last year, but looking just now it is listed as "off-market."

Friday, August 19, 2016

Class of 1966

Met with Betty Northrup and some other members of the Class of 1966. They are gearing up to do the memory book etc. for their 50th anniversary. Shared archival resources with them, the yearbooks, catalogs, Stylus etc. They spent a couple hours on an initial go through, marked a lot of things they want scanned...

1866 grad photo

Dave Tyler saw the post I put in on this for the Daily Eagle, asked for a smaller image to use on social media, resized and sent him.

Hoover - CSEA history

Ed Hoover, who is head of CSEA local, looking for further info and pictures on early CSEA days, staff here. He said he had checked with Albany and they have 1950 as the start date for the local here, which was interesting. Scanned some things and found info for him, got interrupted because of scanner probs, will get back to it next week.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Photo from Brockport Post

Someone called, asking about getting the original photo for something published in the Brockport Post. All we have is the mic of the newspaper. The BP is closed, and I said I doubt Wolfe Papers has an archive of those photos. Probably were taken by free lancers, and they never had the originals. But gave her contact info...

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Vernon Molefe

Had an email about Vernon Molefe, a South African man who was a student here c1988-92. The person who contacted me is researching his life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sara L. Smith, 1866

Great find at Emily Knapp Museum, photo of Sara L. Smith, BCI Class of 1866! Rare find, have it at the archives now to scan, and am researching her in Brockport Republic etc.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Clarendon people 1830s

Local history/genealogy researcher called. Discussed NY Historic Newspapers, other sources in Orleans County etc. Gave him my email, said I would send him some more links, ideas via email, e.g. that Pioneer Reminiscences is in google books I think.