Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mary Cady

Email requesting photo of this woman, who was campus school critic 1869-1894. Her husband was veteran GAR post was named after. Searched but no photo, emailed back with some info re her life.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Music dept history

Tony Dumas in the Music Studies Program (Theatre) is MC at a faculty music recital 2/6 and wants some info on history of music here. Am scanning some sample entries from old catalogs, will merge with a few images of faculty etc., give him a brief overview narrative... Am suggesting this would be an excellent student project to do a history of music...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Name look up

Was contacted by a party out of state re addresses and phone numbers of some people who were thought to have lived in Brockport ca1930s, but did not find them in our small collection of old village directories.


Was consulted by Carl G. at Seymour Library about some microfilm holdings they have; are they duplicates, how might he get them digitized etc. I checked through them, have emailed him some suggested vendors, a contact at RRLC etc.

Local History Room

Have been active participant in the planning committee for this; today there was a 2 hour meeting with the architect, and it should go out to bid very soon!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Valentines Day

Bill Sachman from Alumni Assoc. asking the following - I know there's a great Stylus cover ca1920 for this, have to poke around for more.

We’re in the process of planning a social media campaign to celebrate Brockport couples/sweethearts around Valentine’s Day. Do you have any photos that come to mind that resonate that could fit our program? Examples: two people conversing, dancing, having a good time together? Sorry this is super vague but any help would be appreciated.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Fannie Barrier Williams photo

Had a call from someone writing a book about black women activists of the 19th century, wanted an image of FBW, and told her the only real image I have is a digital one I paid for, from Howard Univ archives. I gave her their contact info, and alerted her to the Wanda Hendrick's bio that came out last year.

Stained glass window restoration

With the windows being restored this month there have been some questions about them, shared info on them with Matt Yeoman and others.