Thursday, October 30, 2014


Set up an account for "Brockport Archivist" in Wikipedia. The idea, if it seems to work OK, is to make some new entries for figures of prominence here that do not have them, e.g. Ernest Hartwell, and edit/add to entries for those who do, e.g. Malcolm MacVicar. Am working on a Hartwell entry just to see how it all works. Yes, wikipedia, I know, lol, but look how much use it gets! What I do there I can use elsewhere too...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Student scanning

Am going to be teaching a student today how to scan slides for Chris Norment, env. sciences.

Another museology student

Emily Lake, who interned last spring, digitizing audiocassettes, now in museology class and wanting to do an internship. We met yesterday, I went over some possibilities, and she is going to get back to me.

Museology student

Looking to do a 10 hour research/service project in archives from Keating's class, maybe on building name history, am meeting her this afternoon.

Student fees

Student who was here before, back to research student fees history some more.

Bunnie Beardsley, Hamlin Beach film

Met with her this morning, to give her the segments of Costich film from 1930s of Hamlin Beach, she is in their Friends group. Turns out she is a local girl, class of '69, and knew the Costich family. She is very familiar with the various beaches etc. and watching the film with me identified some right away, and is going to get back to me about further identifications.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Stylus Centennial Issue

Zac Sweeney, editor this year, has contacted me. They want to do a special centennial issue, and I imagine between working with him and the others on the staff it should be a fair amount of work, but I am very glad they are finally going to do something with this!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sue Savard - Helen Hastings

Spent a morning showing Sue S., who works as a volunteer at the Emily Knapp museum, and is on the community museum board, around the archives, going over use of the site etc. We spent some time discussing Helen Hasting, gr-niece of William Seymour, and a key figure in local history circles in the 1920s - 1950s. Aside from founding the local museum, she was the lead in the Old Houses of Monroe County project the DAR ran in the 1940s that we have a version of online. I intend to resume my quest to get access to the manuscripts and photos the local chapter apparently has still, and Sue is interested too; perhaps borrow them, compare with what is in the museum, and do a definitive text of the project, with such images as can be scanned, and perhaps contemporary images too.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Student fees

Student researching history of student fees here, will be in Friday. Sources to set up for her will include catalogs, Stylus, student handbooks...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pics of chairs of math/comp sci

T. M. Rao emails, wanting pictures of past chairs of math, comp sci, gave me a list of 5 names, will see what I can find, scan, send to him. This is one of those typical requests, that can sound simple, but as in this case, result in several hours digging through various photo collections, yearbooks etc. to put together.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Parking history

Student stopped by, looking for history of parking regs, issues... Old Stylus articles, student guides...

Alumni query - Walter Oleszek

Query from Anne McPherson, history, asking if this fellow is an alum, he has worked for the Congressional Research Service for many years and has been helping Anne in some research of hers. He is in fact an alum, class of 1963.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mary Jane Holmes sign

Garrett Roe, a grad student, is interested in doing a project which would be to either restore or replace the sign currently marking the site of the Holmes' residence on College St. Have talked to him, and to Norm Frisch and Allan Berry on the museum board, who have organized the creation of some other historical marker signs in recent years, like the one on Brockport churches I helped Norm with.

Sims Pond visit

Went with Sue Savard yesterday to interview George Burlingame, 92, a life long local resident who grew up on West Canal Rd. where Sims Pond is. He clarified for us the location of this pond, shared a photo and much background history.