Monday, September 29, 2014

George Burlingame

Prepping today to go tomorrow to interview George Burlingame with Sue Savard from the local history museum. George is 92, a life long local resident, who may be able to help ID scenes and people from the 1930s Costich videos.

Alexander Milliner, reapers

Very long email query about this fellow, who was a Revolutionary war vet who lived a lot of his life in Adams Basin. I don't have much on that, a little east of what we have always collected, did suggest the Brockport Republic online. For the reaper materials suggested a couple ebooks and one print book. The questioner was a chem major asking just out of curiosity, and can't spend over much time on that sort of thing right now...

Friday, September 26, 2014

Sim's Pond

Have discovered where Sims Pond is, thanks to Sue Savard of the community museum, who has been working with a local man, George Burlingame, 92 years of age. I am going to see him with her next week, do some oral history, ask some questions re the Costich film footage.

Genealogy question

From a Ms. Tibbitts in NC, about the children of Silas Holbrook, who was the head physical plant person here late 19th, early 20th century; several of his children were BSNS grads.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Computer Science Dept. 25th anniversary dinner

T. Rao is organizing a dinner for the 25th anniversary of the Computer Science Dept. It existed prior to that, in different forms, but the current unit is now 25. Have found and scanned some old slides, working on a powerpoint etc.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Genealogy - Dodge

Request from a genealogist to visit in October - replied saying is certainly welcome, not a lot here necessarily, general histories etc. Took a quick look in Brockport Republic and referred her to same, was one mention at least of her family. Also recommended some of the village histories in DC I have posted.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Old Houses...

Contact with Cynthia Howk at Landmark Society is leading into another project, that of the "Old Houses of Monroe County" book. Helen Hastings did it in the '40s with some other DAR ladies, there seem to be various "editions" or binders of it around, and it would be a valuable resource if collated, edited, and digitized.

Brockport Cemetery

Bill Andrews asked about images of this site. I did find a glass plate photo of it. Shared with him, he passed it on to Cynthia Howk at Landmark Society; they are working on historic landmark status for the cemetery. Spoke to her on the phone later and after some research have sent her some more information re some resources I have scanned and put on digital commons etc.

COSAC anniversary

This office staff support group is 30 years old this year, and wanting to celebrate one of the current members emailed asking what the archives had. Mainly just a file of the old Calliope newsletters, going back to the beginning. Be nice if support staff, clerical, professionals etc. got a little more notice in the way of photos taken of them etc., so m

Photography student project

Doug Neva, who did a project this past semester involving the use of archives photos, is coming back. He wants to look through old photos of the mall, and combine some of those with photos he will take. Last time he did a nice exhibit in Tower.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Leland Shafer

Mike A. emailed asking about this fellow, who was a prominent local businessman mid-20th century Brockport, as had been his father too. He wasn't a Normal school grad, but he did graduate from the high school department of the training school in 1915, and was a member of the original Stylus staff of 1914.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Daily building

Query re Daily building and image of it that appeared in the 1913 All Brockport supplement. Sent them a scan of the original photo that is part of our glass plate photo collections.

Class of '65

Met with Ralph Sisson, their adviser, this morning for an hour to go over resources I have, suggestions for reunion materials etc.

Dance photos

Dance prof, looking for photos of dance concerts, am emailing with him to better ascertain what exactly he is looking for, sounds like earlier years, but unsure.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Communications reunion

Was asked to supply some images for a reunion of Communications/Speech; have found some, scanned and sent to them...


Busy getting interns started. Paul is doing Writers Forum, Kimberly is working on Mary Jane Holmes, and Ian is working on the 1930s Costich films.

Delta - Tim Stoller

Renewed interest in history of Alt/Delta, they have some archival material too, may be an intern coming. Meeting him Monday.