Currently have three interns from Leslie's Public History class working in the archives; one on BSG, one on Stylus, and one on Saga. They are putting together rosters of members, histories, scanning, and looking for articles etc on the broader picture, eg history of college student newspapers.
Also met with Sharon Carpenter, who got referred via Career Services, will be doing an internship in spring on English Club and other student literary publications.
Questions asked, progress on answers, project notes etc.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Got one intern, Emily, started today on researching, scanning, and assembling documents related to history of the Stylus. Another stopped by about doing a 3 credit internship in the spring and I spent some time with her going over possible projects.
Missing Campus School yearbook?
Fran Whited asking about this, a campus school yearbook she thought she might have given here along with some other materials? I checked once, didn't see it, but will look again.
Phil Hewitt
Query re this faculty member, founder of the Earth Science department; his grand-daughter goes here and recently won a scholarship prize. File in RG26, fascinating story there of how during WWII he actually bombed where another future faculty member was hiding!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Started working with one intern from Bruce Leslie's Public History class, am talking to a couple more soon. This student will work on BSG/Stylus history stuff for upcoming reunions.
Photos for Cabelas!
Novel request for me, a staff person at Cabelas, who are opening a new store in Buffalo, wanting to use images of ours she found on NY Heritage site. Two of the glass plate photos, hunting parties up on Lake Ontario. I didn't see why not, asked that she credit the college, sent somewhat higher res files.
A student currently participating in this European Union model community club is looking to do some history on the group. Found some Stylus articles, not a lot else, perhaps as he contacts former members, Bill Andrews who was the original adviser and so on will be able to find more.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Newman Center history
A query from an alum affairs staff re Newman history, prompted by his work with some 1950s alumni, brought out John Kutolowski's1990 history of the club & center, held in archives. Have scanned it, will post to DC, have emailed the scan already to alum affairs staff to email to the alumni who originally asked about it.
Clarkson history
Someone stopped by this morning, looking for history of Clarkson, the corners, and of historic houses there; referred them to the local history materials on Digital Commons as a start, then added that had more in print in local history collections.
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